Our mission

The PlanetGreeners Agricultural Services is an innovation-driven group with a long tradition in research and development. We leverage our expertise to address global challenges and aim to improve people’s lives around the world. The Planetgreeners mission “Let’s join for a green race” is the foundation of what we strive to achieve within the agricultural,environmental and geo science sector. Our contribution to society is self sufficiency and food security based on sustainable techniques.

Our strong scientific and research skills provide us with an evidence base on which we are able to deliver real solutions to our clients. Through our experienced specialist consultants, we deliver specific, strategic and policy advice, as well as applied/strategic R&D. In addition, we put our knowledge into practice in our Agricultural, Environmental, GIS and renewable energy businesses.Science underpins all of our work and is key to the delivery of evidence required to develop sound and innovative policy solutions for government and corporate clients.

Enhancing world food security

The opportunities and challenges driving the global agricultural community are complex and daunting. A growing world population, changing dietary habits and volatile weather are affecting agricultural production today and in the future. How can we help plants thrive in changing climatic conditions? How can we best support the growers, from subsistence farmers to large-scale farming operations?How can we upgrade the farms based on the international GLOBAL GAP Certification? And how can we assure that only high-quality and safe food reaches the consumer?

We at Planetgreeners are committed to help tackle these challenges with our expertise in high value, innovative organic and biological crop protection solutions, and services for modern, sustainable agriculture. With the “head of a scientist” and the “heart of a farmer” we bring innovative and inspiring solutions directly to our customers, along with reliable services and advice.

At the same time we are passionate about the future of farming and want to make an important contribution. By driving a sustainable productivity increase, we aim to advance global food security.

Leading innovation

Addressing some of the major challenges in modern agriculture requires fresh answers. A higher stress-tolerance of plants in face of increasing weather volatility will be as important as developing innovative solutions to control pests, plant diseases and weeds. Fostering an environment of collaboration across different disciplines, cultures and markets, we cooperate with external partners. And we recognize the importance of local knowledge and strive to combine it with our global expertise. This is supported by health, environment and quality systems, standards and certifications, including GLOBALGAP(Good Agricultural Practice).

Protecting the environment

The master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoided pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally seds encounter consequences.

Education and capacity building

The master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoided pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally seds encounter consequences.
